Ideally, you should have the same name on all of your documentation so there is no mistaking your identity. Then there is the whole, how does your name appear on your credit card? More often than not, the name appears slightly different on your credit card than it does any of your documentation.
When it comes to travel outside of the US, your passport is ultimately all that matters. Before booking any travel that involves travel outside of the country, please make sure you look at your passport and know how your name appears. It does not matter how your name appears on your driver’s license in another country, they only care about your passport name. If you don’t already have a passport, or it needs to be renewed, please make sure you know how your name will appear on the passport when booking your travel. It is important that the name on your travel reservation and the name on your documentation be an exact match. Remember, your name must exactly match! If there is Jr, Sr, II, or III, etc. after your name that matters too!
Airlines are not fond of name changes and there can be significant financial penalties. Many times, the name cannot be changed; the ticket must be cancelled and reissued. This is a double whammy, they will not refund your money on the cancelled ticket, plus you have to buy a new ticket.
It’s not just the airlines; it is the immigration officials in the country you are entering or exiting, and even the resort you are visiting. If your name does not match on your travel documentation and your passport, you may be subject to additional immigration screening upon entering or the country. Surprisingly, exiting a foreign country to return to the US can be even more of an issue if there is a name discrepancy. Resorts also check your name at check-in and if it does not match your passport, your check-in process can be long and arduous. Also at the resort, if the name on your passport does not match the name on the credit card they will be using for incidentals, they may ask for an additional form of identification to prove the credit card is indeed yours.
Many travelers (including myself) will use their passport names for all travel, including domestic travel. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, just remember to always have your passport with you!
It sounds so simple, but at least once a week I get a call about a name issue with clients. This is the one issue that can make me (and all other travel professionals) lose sleep at night. There is nothing more gut wrenching than getting that call from a client that is at the airport and cannot check-in for their flight due to a name discrepancy.
Now, go check all of your documentation so you know your name!